Share your winter garden or winter walk photos or view the gallery.
As a member, you can submit photos by:
- E-mailing MHS seasonal photos; or
- Uploading directly using our easy to follow guide.
By submitting photos to any MHS site you are granting MHS permission to: 1) publish the photos with your first and last name; 2) re-use the photos to promote events, and when possible, include your name.
Visit the 2025 spring gallery to view member’s spring gardens and nature photos and MHS event photos.
As a member, you can submit photos by:
- E-mailing MHS seasonal photos; or
- Uploading directly using our easy to follow steps.
By submitting photos to any MHS site you are granting MHS permission to: 1) publish the photos with your first and last name; 2) re-use the photos to promote events, and when possible, include your name.
Members share your summer vegetable and flower garden photos or visited gardens.
As a member, you can submit photos by:
- E-mailing to MHS seasonal photos; or
- Uploading directly using our easy to follow steps.
By submitting photos to any MHS site you are granting MHS permission to: 1) publish the photos with your first and last name; 2) re-use the photos to promote events, and when possible, include your name.
Visit the 2025 fall gallery to view member’s fall gardens, hiking trail photos and MHS event photos.
As a member, you can submit photos by:
- E-mailing MHS seasonal photos; or
- Uploading directly using our easy to follow steps.
By submitting photos to any MHS site you are granting MHS permission to: 1) publish the photos with your first and last name; 2) re-use the photos to promote events, and when possible, include your name.