Spring Live Flower Show
June 12, 2023 7:00 pm – 9 pm
Manotick United Church
See Contest Winners and Photos Here
Live Flower Shows provide us an opportunity to showcase what is growing in our gardens and learn from other members. Entries will be judged by an OHA (Ontario Horticultural Association) Judge. The shows are always educational and it’s great to see what our members have in their gardens!
Horticultural Specimen Classes highlight a variety of flowers, perennials, shrubs, fruit, and vegetables that we have grown. Design Classes use flowers (grown or purchased) and other materials to create a design as outlined in the show schedule.
Support for the show is needed. If you are interested in helping with setup or cleanup after the show, please sign up by clicking here.
Download details and the classes here
*** Events are open to MHS members. New members are always welcome. Join Us ***
There is an excellent resource book entitled “Ontario Judging and Exhibiting Standards for Floral Design and Horticulture”, created by the OHA. It details how to prepare for Flower Shows, how to get your horticultural specimens ready for a show, and outlines the different types of floral designs, along with the elements to create interest. These books are $10 and are available to members by emailing mhs@manotickhorticulturalsociety.com.